Do You Need A Retaining Wall In Your Backyard?

Do You Need A Retaining Wall In Your Backyard?

It's time to think about if your property needs a retaining wall. Your property might not necessarily need it, but it can sure help with the overall look of your pool landscape. So let's get into the nitty gritty of retaining walls and what they can mean for your home's backyard and pool area.

Contact our pool construction team today to learn more about this concept and how to schedule a service to create the best hardscapes possible.

What Is A Retaining Wall?

Retaining walls are structures built into the ground that support soil on either side at different levels. So a retaining wall can have a walkway on one side and head-height levels of earth on the other. The wall prevents the soil from spilling onto the walkway, essentially.

When Do You Need One?

If your home has a beautiful backyard and poolscape that needs enhancement and outdoor living aesthetics and function, this is where you can use retaining walls.

These walls, or "steps", create little terraces on your land that will help you make the most of the space you have on your property. You can even raise a patio with a retaining wall on the edge.

If your home sits at the bottom of a hill, a retaining wall can help to protect your home from flooding and erosion. Without a retaining wall, erosion can cause damage to your property over time.

Different Kinds Of Retaining Walls

So there are two different kinds of retaining walls: gravity and engineered walls. Gravity walls use the weight of the building material to hold the wall together and retain the earth.

Engineered walls stabilize soil with a geosynthetic material designed to reinforce earth and hold back slopes of hills. The outside of an engineered will typically have a veneer, giving it a beautiful face to mask the basic-looking construction underneath.

You can use all sorts of materials to create retaining walls, from natural stone to concrete.

The Best In The Retaining Wall Business

If you decide that you need a retaining wall for your property, contact Oasis Pool Construction today. We are the hardscape specialist choice for your home to help you figure out how to best go about creating a retaining wall. We will work with you day in and day out to create the best retaining wall structure for your backyard pool.

The possibilities are endless! Contact our hardscape experts today as retaining walls are a versatile tool that can transform your backyard into a functional and aesthetically pleasing outdoor oasis.


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